Mean cells

Operating / mummy
The doctor will do an operation and take away the mean cancer cells. Mummy will have to stay in hospital for a couple of nights. After the operation mummy will have a bandage around her chest, because the doctor not only has to take away the mean cancer cells but also a little bit of mummy´s breast and sometimes even the whole breast. After that, the wound has to get better again.
Are the mean cancer cells somewhere else in your mummy? Then the doctor sometimes has to do an operation too.
Operating / daddy
The doctor will do an operation and take away the mean cancer cells. Daddy will have to stay in hospital for a couple of nights. If daddy has had an operation on his tummy, then he will have a big plaster or bandage on his tummy. That´s so the wound can get better again.
Are the mean cancer cells somewhere else in your daddy? Then the doctor sometimes has to do an operation too.
Chemotherapy is a special kind of medicine that can be in a syringe, pill or a little bag. Sometimes it is a funny colour. It helps if you can imagine that there are little people in there. Those little chemo-people try very hard to scare the mean cancer cells away. Your mummy or daddy gets a lot of chemo medicines. That´s because mean cancer cells are not that easily beaten. Luckily there are lots of little chemo-people and they are very strong.
Radiotherapy/ mummy
This mummy is having radiotherapy on her chest. First, some lines are drawn on her chest. That´s how the doctor knows exactly where the radiation beams have to go to. Those beams come from a big machine in the hospital. You can´t see, hear or feel them but they do kill the mean cancer cells. That´s great! Every day mummy has to go to the hospital for a little while to have it.
If your mummy doesn´t get radiotherapy on her chest but on another part of her body, then the beams will also kill the mean cancer cells there.
Radiotherapy/ daddy
This daddy is having radiotherapy on his lungs. First some lines are drawn on his chest. That´s how the doctor knows exactly where the radiation beams have to go to. Those beams come from a big machine in the hospital. You can´t see, hear or feel them but they do kill the mean cancer cells. That´s great! Every day daddy has to go to the hospital for a little while to have it.
If your daddy doesn´t get radiotherapy on his lungs but on another part of his body, then the beams will also kill the mean cancer cells there.
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Your mummy or daddy will get very tired from fighting against the cancer cells. Everything is just too much. Even reading to you or playing games. Your mummy or daddy will often have to go to hospital, rest lots, lie on the sofa or in bed and sometimes even be angry or sad. And it can take quite some time before those cancer cells are gone.
Everybody feels sad because of those horrible cancer cells. Daddy and mummy because they have to fight them all the time, and you because everything is so different.
Because a lot has changed, sometimes you might be angry just like that. You really feel like kicking, hitting or scratching, but that it not a good idea. Think of something that helps together with mummy or daddy. Run fast against the wind, for instance, or hit a cushion, do a little dance, listen to some music or a story, tear a newspaper in a thousand little pieces, splash in a puddle with your wellies on. Can you feel it getting a bit better?