Children from 6 to 9 years old
What is cancer?
Many many questions
Nobody can answer this question. Getting cancer is just bad luck, sheer bad luck.
Maybe you were very angry at dad or mom, said something mean, or dad or mom tripped over your bike. That’s of course very annoying, but nobody gets cancer from that. So, cancer is NOT your fault!
No, doctors try very hard to make the cancer go away. It doesn’t always work, but fortunately, many dads and moms get better. Sometimes it takes a while though.
Cancer comes from the Latin word “cancer”, which means crab or lobster. A tumor or cancerous growth looks like a little ball with tentacles. When the discoverers of cancer saw such a little ball, they thought of a crab or lobster.
Cancer has been around for a long time. During excavations in Egypt they found mummies of people who had cancer. The disease cancer is therefore very old.
Some children think cancer is contagious, but that is NOT true. So, you can still give dad or mom a kiss or hug! Also, tell your friends because sometimes they think cancer is contagious too.
Yes, but children getting cancer is much less common than dads, moms, grandpas and grandmas. If you line up 1,000 people who have cancer, there will be 995 adults and 5 children.
Yes, animals can get cancer too. After all, an animal’s body is made up of cells just like a human body. Those cells can get sick too.
A tumor is another word for a clump of cells. Other words are growth, lump, or bump. But be careful: not every lump or bump is cancer!
Sick cells can wander through the body. A new tumor can form where the cancer cell ends up. That’s called a metastasis.
There are over a 100 different types of cancer. Each type has a different name. For example, there’s breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, a brain tumor, blood cancer (leukemia), and so on.

What about you?
What helps?
Talk about cancer
The future
Luckily, many dads and moms get better again. The cancer cells stay away, and the nasty time of hospitals, treatments, and feeling sad is over.
Some dads and moms have changed by the cancer and the treatments. They may miss a breast, have a scar, or a stoma. Others have to do exercises every day to get stronger again. Sometimes you can’t tell from the outside, but the worried thoughts are still there. Then they go for awalk, cycle, work in the garden, or make sculptures. Or they talk to someone. Because that helps. But you already knew that, right!
Of course, your dad or mom still has to go to the hospital now and then to make sure everything stays fine. But even that becomes less after a while. The cancer becomes a memory. Maybe you’ll think back on it later, maybe you won’t. Everything is okay.
Not getting betterIf dad or mom doesn’t get better
If it’s not possible to get rid of the cancer, there are often medicines that make the cancer cells keep quiet for a while. And if those medicines stop working, there are sometimes new medicines again. So, it may be that the cancer cells stay, but don’t grow or change. Your dad or mom can live for a long time like this!
Of course, the cancer cells need to be watched carefully. So, your dad or mom might have to go to the hospital every now and then. And maybe your dad or mom won’t be in top shape anymore. Feeling tired and sad is also part of it because it’s quite strange to know that those cancer cells aren’t going away.
When mom or dad dies
Sometimes someone is so sick that the doctor thinks he or she will die soon. You will feel angry, sad and scared. You may have all kinds of questions, such as when your mom or dad will die and how that will happen. Talk about it with your parents or the doctor.
It’s nice to keep doing things. You can make a wish jar or an idea box with notes of things you would like to do together, such as baking cookies or reading in the big bed. Maybe you can take a selfie or video as a memory.
If dad or mom is in a lot of pain and confused or scared, the doctor can give medicines to make sure dad or mom doesn't feel anything and falls asleep. If you want to say something or give a hug, do it before the doctor gives these medicines. It may take a few days before dad or mom dies.
Someone who is dying sleeps more and needs less and less food and drink. Maybe you want to lie down next to dad or mom for a while, or you hope it will be over soon. It's not strange if you think this. It's just hard when someone you love dies. Maybe you want to say something, craft, or write. Or just cuddle a lot.
Some dads or moms are so sick that they don't want to live anymore. They ask the doctor to help them die. Maybe you don't understand, but really, your dad or mom loves you very much. And yet, they can't go on anymore. Give one last hug or kiss. The doctor first gives an injection with a medicine that makes your dad or mom fall into a deep sleep. Then a medicine that stops the heart from beating.
After dad or mom has died, there will be a funeral or cremation. Maybe you want to write something about dad or mom or paint the coffin. Maybe you want to make music or sing. Maybe you'd rather not do these things. It may take a long time before you notice that you're feeling a bit better.