What do we do with your money?
One of the important tasks of the Foundation “Verdriet door je hoofd” is the monitoring of the chatrooms on the website and answering questions from children, as well as parents and professional helpers. Furthermore, money is need to develop new materials to support children even more for when one of their parents or another relative is affected by cancer. You can find examples of materials that have already been developed in webshop.
You can support us financially in the following ways:
- Donate a one-off amount on account number NL46INGB0660238713 under the name de Stichting Verdriet door je Hoofd in Badhoevedorp.
- Periodically donate a (set) amount.
- If you would like to donate € 100,00 or more annually then it is interesting to do that in the form of a periodical donation for the period of five years. That donation is tax deductible. See under Taxes what the best way to do that is.

If you would like to support the Foundation in another way, that is possible, for instance, in one of the following ways:
- Organize an event for us. If required, we can send you PR materials.
- Help us with good ideas for fund raising and publicity
- Mention us at conferences and meetings and/or represent us with a stand
- Mention the existence of the Foundation in any published materials or on your website
Without your help the Foundation cannot do its work!
For more information please contact Janny Salomé, Secretary.